Damien Jurado
Just In Time For Something
It's a special thing when you're hearing new Damien Jurado songs for the first time. May you be sitting someplace comfortable for your first time with the five new songs on Just In Time For Something. It's a really beautiful little postcard from Damien's neck of the woods. Self-recorded during a long weekend using a '67 tube-powered reel-to-reel which Damien picked up especially for this EP, these new tunes sound like Alan Lomax field recordings from the mid-60's. Listening to the EP, it feels as though Damien's just in the other room, on the other side of the door, playing new songs and hitting them spot on for the first time. You can hear him catch his stride and lose himself in these beautiful songs. His voice is that of an angel. Just as Nick Drake was able to convey that complicated sense of uplifting sorrow in his songs and in his voice, Jurado has both the songwriting and the performance gift. "Motion Sickness" is vintage Jurado, with its love tale wagging slowly before you. Jurado's new full-length "On My Way to Absence" will be released in early 2005.
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